Partnering with parents to point kids toward Christ.

Sundays | 10:00AM

At Kids@Main, we have created a loving & nurturing environment suitable for all children from birth through 4th grade. Our mission is to provide age-appropriate, biblical teaching in a creative & fun environment that points kids to Christ.

Gospel Project Curriculum

In Kids@Main, each classroom utilizes the Gospel Project curriculum. Gospel means good news. The Gospel Project is a chronological Bible study curriculum that points every story in the Bible back to the good news of Christ. It is broken up into 3-6 sessions per unit with a Big Picture Question and Answer and Bible Verse for each unit.

The Gospel

The Gospel is the good news, the message about Christ, the Kingdom of God, and salvation. Use these prompts to share the gospel with your kids.

God Rules

Ask: "Who is in-charge at home?" Explain that because God created everything, He is in-charge of everything.
Revelation 4:11

We Sinned

Ask: "Have you ever done something wrong?" Tell kids that everyone sins, or disobeys God. Our sin separates us fr0m God.
Romans 3:23

God Provided

Explain that God is holy and must punish sin. God sent His Son, Jesus, to take the punishment we deserve.

Jesus Gives

Ask: "What is the best gift you've ever received?" Say that Jesus took our punishment for sin by giving His life, and He gives us His righteousness.God sees us as if we lived the perfect life of Jesus lived. This is the best gift ever!
2 Corinthians 5:21

We Respond

Explain that everyone has a choice to make. Ask: "Will you trust Jesus as your Savior and Lord? You can turn from self and sin and turn to Jesus.
Romans 10:9-10


The Kids@Main area is located next to the Worship Center, on the Northwest part of the building. Be sure to check all of your children in at the Kids@Main check-in stations located on either side of the Kids@Main main desk before the service starts. Children from infant through age 3 can then be dropped off in the appropriate Kids@Main classroom right after being checked in. Children in the PreK and Kindergarten and the 1st through 4th grade will join us in the worship center for the first part of our worship, then will be dismissed to go to their appropriate classrooms in Kids@Main.